I grant the clinic permission to:
- Take photographs, recordings, and/or video footage of me before, during, and/or after the treatment.
- Use my voice, image, likeness, and statements for any purpose, including (but not limited to):
- Promotional, advertising, and publicity purposes, including the use of photographs, recordings, or video footage of me, where permissible, in any promotional, advertising, or marketing materials on the clinic website, social media sites, and within printed materials.
- Use in any clinic promotional materials.
- Use in educational materials, including videos, recordings, and printed materials, without separate remuneration or compensation, for an unlimited time.
I acknowledge and agree that the clinic owns all proprietary rights, including all intellectual property rights, in any photographs, recordings, or video footage taken of me in connection with the treatment that contain my voice, image, likeness, or statements.
I have read and fully understand the above and have had sufficient opportunity to discuss with and ask questions with my cosmetic practitioner.
I request and consent to treatment with Dysport.